Two Times Removed: An Anthology of Indo-Caribbean Fiction

The Indo-Caribbean community carries a distinct history and culture that took its shape when our ancestors came from India to the Caribbean as indentured labourers more than 150 years ago. From the beginning, our community has had many talented storytellers who have passed down history, folktales, and the experiences of our people, paving the way for each generation that followed. Two Times Removed brings together a curated collection of sixteen short stories written by the new generation of Indo-Caribbean storytellers. For many of us who have been raised outside of our home countries, our identity is a delicate balance of Indian roots, Caribbean heritage and North American upbringing. Together, these writers explore adolescence, relationships, trauma, family, identity and more, bringing to life the experiences of the modern day Indo-Caribbean. Each character, as we do, navigates their world with the influence of all these elements, making them uniquely Two Times Removed.
Stories by: Ashley Anthony, Saira Batasar, Kamala Chan Anna Chowthi, Tiara Jade Chutkhan, Alexandra Daignault, Tiffany Manbodh, Alyssa Mongroo, Savita Prasad, Natasha Persaud, Karimah Rahman, Suhana Rampersad, Krystal Ramroop, Jihan Ramroop, Mari “Dev” Ramsawakh, and Alya Somar
Cover design: Chelsi Bhagan
Two Times Removed Volume II: An Anthology of Contemporary Indo-Caribbean Stories

More than 150 years ago, men and women from India made the daring decision to leave behind all that they knew in search of a better life. These individuals traversed the dark waters to the islands of the Caribbean where their new beginnings awaited. It was in these foreign lands, amongst other cultures and under harsh conditions, that a new identity was born.
The contemporary Indo-Caribbean identity is one that consists of our Indian roots, Caribbean heritage, and North American upbringing. This delicate combination of cultures influences our daily lives and the way in which we navigate the world around us. The art of storytelling has been a powerful tool in the Indo-Caribbean community, enabling the survival of our history, and allowing us to pass down stories of “home” to the generations that follow. Two Times Removed gives way to the newest generation of Indo-Caribbean storytellers, the descendants of indentured labourers, whose stories have yet to be told. This curated collection features eighteen new works that delve into themes of mental health and identity, family relationships and motherhood, anti-Blackness and segregation. Each author in this volume embarks on a personal journey, through character or themselves, of vulnerability and sharing their lived truths. Two Times Removed is a distinctive and memorable collection that will spark dialogue at home and within the community, showcasing the richness of Indo-Caribbean culture and the value of our stories.
Featuring stories by: Saira Batasar Johnie, Anna Maria Chowthi, Tiara Jade Chutkhan, Chelsea DeBarros, Michelle DeFreitas, Amanda Dejesus, Aaron Ishmael, Joshua Timothy Jaipaul, Jamie Langford, Nalini Mahadeo, Jaimini Mangrue, Alyssa Mongroo, Alisha Persaud, Nadia Persaud, Savita Prasad, Anjali Seegobin, Samantha Raghunandan and Angelica Razack-Francis
Cover design by: Chelsi Bhagan
Two Times Removed Volume III: An Anthology of Indo-Caribbean Futures

What can be made possible when we meld the old with the new? When we sift through the old ways, the traditions and values that raised us, and reframe those ideas through fresh perspectives. When we take the beautifully familiar and transform it into new memories and histories. With just over a century post-indenture behind us, the Indo-Caribbean community is beginning a new chapter, one that pays homage to the past and looks to nurture the future with love, acceptance and healing. In its third and final volume, the authors of Two Times Removed leave nothing behind, speaking to the future of Indo-Caribbean culture through universal themes of healing generational trauma, dialogues around mental health, family relationships, personal growth and confronting the past. Through 22 new voices in Indo-Caribbean literature, we are reminded of the vulnerability that comes with leading change in our community and the resilience of a people twice removed.
Stories by: Steven Ahmad, Tiara Jade Chutkhan, Nandani Devi, Sujaya Devi, Halima Hussein, Joshua Timothy Jaipaul, Michael Jodah, Nievana Judisthir, Jamie Langford, Nalini Mahadeo, Shivanie Mangal, Alexis McCormack, Chandra Persaud, Savita Prasad, Vashtie Ragbir, Andrea Ramautar, Cynthia and Reshma Ramkellawan, Santoecha Rangai, Aneesa Rasheed, Dev Ramsawakh, Jennifer Ross, and Michelle Shurland.